What is the Hull Aid in Sickness Trust?
The Hull Aid in Sickness Trust has a long history dating from around 1799 (see History of the Trust) and is a registered charity regulated by a scheme of the Charity Commission dated 2nd January 1973 and managed by a Board of 7 Trustees who act on a voluntary basis on behalf of the Trust. The day to day administration of the Trust is undertaken by a part-time Clerk to the Trustees who is the point of contact for all queries regarding the management of the Trust and applications for grants.
Six of the Trustees are appointed by the board on the basis of having a special knowledge of the City and County of Kingston upon Hull, either through residence, occupation, employment or otherwise. They serve for a term of five years after which period they may put themselves forward for re-appointment.
The seventh Trustee is appointed by the Kingston upon Hull City Council for a period of four years or at the discretion of the Council.
The Trustees of the Hull Aid in Sickness Trust meet every three months to consider applications for grants and manage the Trust and its investments.
The Trust acts in accordance with the Data Protection Act in the handling and storage of the information it collects during the process of an application being made to the Trust. Any information provided by applicants will only be used for the purpose of their application and any future applications, and will not be disclosed to any other party.
The Hull Aid in Sickness Trust is committed to ensuring quick, fair and proper treatment in all its dealings with applicants and operates a Complaints Procedure which follows the best practice guidelines of the Charity Commission. This is available on request from the Clerk to the Trustees.